The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It was authored by God and transcribed by men over the period of thousands of years and many generations. We believe that God’s truths to us are revealed in the Bible. It is flawless and is the basis for upholding of our beliefs even today.

The Trinity

We believe that God exists in three persons. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They have different functions but each possess equal power and deity.

The Father

We believe that God is all powerful, all-knowing, eternal, holy, righteous, and without sin. He is the ultimate creator for all that exists. He is perfect and so is His love for mankind. He loved us so much that He sent His son Jesus to die for us and take the punishment for our sins, thus restoring our relationship with Him.

The Son

We believe that Jesus Christ was completely human and completely God. He came to earth born of a virgin and led a sinless life. He died on the cross to be a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Through His death justice was served for the sins that we committed. Three days after His death He rose from the grave to return to Heaven. His payment for our sins made it possible that we be forgiven and redeemed by God.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit equips, empowers, and guides believers in truth and convicts people of their sins. It is a gift offered to all believers to be received after salvation. The Holy Spirit comforts us, encourages us, gives us spiritual gifts, and develops the character of Jesus within us.


We believe that all people will spend eternity in either Heaven or hell.  Those who have asked for God’s forgiveness of their sins through the sacrifice of Jesus, will spend their eternity with God in Heaven.  Those who have rejected Jesus will spend their eternity in hell.


We believe that God is perfect. In being perfect He requires justice for our sins. This payment would have required every person to spend their eternity in hell. Our salvation comes through the belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and the acceptance of His sacrifice for our own sins. God sent Jesus, His son, to take our punishment for us by suffering and dying on the cross. When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord and ask him to forgive us through his death, we are saved from the cost of our sins. The debt has already been paid and we are now free to live with God forever.

Water Baptism

We believe that baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. It is not required for salvation, but is an act of obedience in publicly and unashamedly declaring our faith in Jesus.

Our vision is to lead people into real relationship with God and one another.
Everything we do at New Direction is powered by and filtered through this God-given vision.